Our Classes

LIFT full body

This 55 minute FULL BODY class uses a combination of light to heavy dumbbells, benches, and bands to deliver a strength based high intensity workout that will build muscle, burn fat, and have you feeling grounded. We start with a warm-up, move into a rep and rhythm based strength workout, and end with a 5 minute meditation to give you an experience that has your mind, body, and soul feeling stronger and more connected than ever.

LIFT upper/abs

This variation of our signature FULL-55 will leave you feeling just as empowered, but focusing solely on your UPPER BODY AND ABS ! Think back, biceps, shoulders, chest, triceps, and core.

LIFT lower/abs

This variation of our signature FULL-55 will leave you feeling just as empowered, but focusing solely on your LOWER BODY AND ABS ! Think quads, hamstrings, core and GLUTES! #doitforthepeach


A 45 minute high intensity rhythm based cycling class designed to push you to your limits .. allowing you to discover that you are capable of more than you ever imagined

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“Doubting yourself is normal, letting it stop you is a choice”